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The Speak Easy Summit: The Cyber Version

  • 2 Weeks
  • 18 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


You studied and studied to finish school. Now, you have the interview of a lifetime and...eeeek! They want you to do a presentation! You know that you need to speak well in public settings...but your dread it! Or you enjoy speaking publicly, but you realize that you can increase your effectiveness if you hone your skills and learn how to get to the articulate the most important points in an engaging and poignant way. If either of these sounds like you, then this is the course for you! Right from the place that is most comfortable for you, The Speak Easy Summit: The Cyber Version will help you to: -Identify your speaking missteps -Build your speaking assignments, both small and large, so that they engage, inspire, and create urgency to act -Recognize and implement the key factors that top public speakers use to master the art of pubic communication Your voice is a gift. Unlock it so that the world gets to enjoy its benefits. Are you ready? Let's SpeakEasy!

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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