Time & Location
Dec 03, 2023, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM CST
Zoom Event
About the event
Freed to SOAR!
This strategic planning experience is designed to help you to live like an eagle in 2024! The eagle is the most powerful bird inthe sky, and it behaves uniquely which separates it from the pack. Freed to SOAR! is going to separate you from the average person who:
- Lacks focus
- Carrys too many burdens and distractions
- Is wasteful
- And doesn't relish in the excitement of life's minor storms
Through four powerful sessions, complete with materials and subject matter experts, we will end the year ready to take on the next soarning!
4 Weeks of Targeted Strategic Planning
Lock In! -The only way to get where you want to go is to get clear on where you're heading. We will not just talk about it, we will help each other commit to our vision.
It’s Shedding Season - People, paper, things, old decisions...it is time to clear our proverbial driveway. This week will be our bonfire to whatever destroy whatever we are holding on to that is holding us back!
What Will It Cost You? -Your future will cost you something, and maybe even someone. What are you willing to pay to get there?
The “Storm“ Survival Kit-Eagles let the storms excite them! We'll talk about how to remain steady, not if, but when life's storms arise.
THE RELEASE! SATURDAY, DEC. 30, 2023 (in-person and on Zoom)
We will close it out at "The Release"! Details and location will be shared on day one of Freed to SOAR.
Free to SOAR
$129.00+$3.23 service feeSale ended